To identify people with autism, aggregate information, and provide better services to them, the “National Registration System of the Iran Autism Association (IAA)” was launched.
According to the Iran Autism Association, this center has launched a national autism registration system with the assistance of autism supporters and ambassadors, especially in the technical departments.
Using this system, families can enter their child’s details and receive an “ID card” after approval. This card has three main features: the most important is accessing the relevant organizations to the personal file by scanning the card’s QR code. In other words, after registering the information and receiving the ID card, the family does not need to explain the details and status of their child at each visit.
Autistic persons and their families can also use some facilities such as clinics, dentists, and welfare services with special conditions.
Dr. Sehraneh Javadi, the family health department director of IAA, said that people with autism could register in person or contact the association. Families can easily do the initial registration in the system, and we will identify and continuing the admission process. Families need to keep in mind that the initial registration needs to provide an autism certificate issued by a psychiatrist or” State Welfare Organization of Iran” confirms that the person has autism.
In this “electronic file,” necessary information, family and child identity information, as well as the child’s developmental information and family history, are recorded and determined after psychological assessment.
Some autistic children have registered during the last years. However, some families with autistic children are not registered by the State Welfare Organization of Iran or other relevant organizations, so not enough information is available. In this way, smart cards will Be issued for such families.
This card is also helpful for experts and therapists who want to provide rehabilitation services for children. They can access their required information just by scanning the code.
Families can register by visiting the Iran Autism Association website at iranautism.ir or by calling +9821-48085000.
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